A Look Behind the Curtain:
Understanding GA’s Legislative Process and Your Role as an Advocate
It’s the busiest time of year under the Gold Dome, and OHM advocates are hard at work protecting our coast. We need your help—and the more you know about our state’s annual legislative session, the more effectively you can advocate for the causes you care about.
Building on what we learned during the legislative preview, we’ll explore the not-so-linear and often-confusing process of how the Georgia legislative session works. This interactive workshop will help demystify the process through explorations of how current bills may became a law…or not—and what must happen to get good bills across the finish line and stop dangerous proposals in their tracks. We’ll discuss One Hundred Miles’ work on past and current bills and our priorities regarding future legislation. OHM wants to help you stay informed on what’s going on in the dynamic political landscape, so you’ll have the opportunity to opt into digital check-ins and issue-specific updates throughout the session.
This workshop will be held from 6:30 – 8 PM. Doors open at 6 PM for time to mingle, network, and enjoy light refreshments. Workshop fee is $25 (Members) / $30 (Non-members). Register now for our workshop in our Brunswick or Savannah offices. Scholarships available—email Eric for more info.
Finding Your Voice:
How to Exercise Your Power this Legislative Session
Who is my representative? How do a contact them? If I care about an issue, how can I make sure my voice is actually heard? If you’ve ever had these questions and felt unsure as to how to get started in the complex landscape of state advocacy, we get it!
In this hands-on workshop, OHM staff will provide you with an introduction to YOUR unique place in the democratic process. You’ll be introduced to who your state level representatives are and the positions they’ve taken on issues impacting our coast. This knowledge will help you better participate in the 2025 legislative session by engaging with the elected leaders whose role it is to listen and represent you, their constituents. We’ll also explore the most effective strategies for contacting your representatives, through skill building exercises that help you reclaim the power that you have as a member of a democracy. OHM staff will provide a safe space to practice exercising your voice both literally and figuratively, so you can make the call, write the email, and send the letter!
This workshop will be held from 6:30 – 8 PM. Doors open at 6 PM for time to mingle, network, and enjoy light refreshments. Workshop fee is $25 (Members) / $30 (Non-members). Register now for our workshop in our Brunswick or Savannah offices. Scholarships available—email Eric for more info.
Recent Advocacy 101 Webinars
“We want to connect you with tools and knowledge, so that when Georgia’s coast calls, you can answer.”
Please contact Eric for more information about any of our upcoming Advocacy 101 programs.