Locals from Swamp Counties Present to Governor and Legislators a Petition to Protect the Okefenokee
For Immediate Release: January 25, 2024
Local residents from Charlton, Glynn, Wayne, and Ware counties will be at the Capitol on Monday, January 29 to present a petition signed by more than 500 residents of Southeast Georgia. Signers have expressed their for the support the passage of House Bill 71, the Okefenokee Protection Act and urge state officials to act to restrict future mining along Trail Ridge. Along with some of the 95 co-sponsors of the bill, they will be available at 1 pm on Monday in the South Wing of the Capitol to address the press and answer questions.
“The Okefenokee Swamp is the Wild Heart of Georgia and a point of pride for all Georgians.” says Alice Keyes, VP of Coastal Conservation with One Hundred Miles. “We, and many organizations are dedicated to working with elected officials to protect the swamp. We are proud to have this chance to work with community leaders from across the region to elevate their concerns and ask the state to help.”
Reverend Antwon Nixon will be one of the local residents participating in the event. “Growing up in Folkston, the Okefenokee has always been part of my life and part of my story,” he says. “I’m excited to travel to Atlanta to share Charlton County residents’ concerns about the damage that could occur if mining is allowed near the swamp. We are asking our legislators to respond by taking action and be part of the positive change for our future.”
Event Details:
Monday, January 29, 2024 at 1:00 PM
State Capitol (206 Washington St., S.W.), in the South Wing