Community Voice + OHM Leadership = IMPACT
Our mission is grounded in a set of core values that guide our efforts and define our approach. These values are woven into every facet of our work, influencing our strategies in coastal conservation, community engagement, and systemic reform. Through an unwavering commitment to innovation, resilience, justice, equity, transparency, and engagement, we aim to build a promising future for Georgia’s coast and its communities.
Core Value: Innovation
Our work is driven by a dynamic approach, constantly evolving through creativity, forward-thinking, and the courage to explore uncharted territory. By redefining coastal conservation, we aim to set new standards for decision making—personal, professional, and political.
Core Value: Resilience
Guided by our connection to and reverence for the ecological treasure of Georgia’s coast, we are dedicated to its long-term health. We are strengthened by our network of relationships, deep community investments, and commitment to training the next generation. Our dedication to resource and information sharing and equitable access to our coastal environments, will result in a future where nature and people coexist in a synergistic balance within vibrant ecosystems and robust, healthy communities.
Core Value: Justice & Equity
We are dedicated to removing barriers to community-led decision-making as a strategy for amplifying the voices of those who have been historically disenfranchised. We fight for the well-being of both humanity and the natural world, recognizing the deep connection between access to clean and healthy natural resources and a thriving society. Through investment in systemic policy and social reform, that acknowledges the extent of racism’s effects on our communities and environment, we aim to present solutions that make progress towards reconciling those harms through more just and equitable outreach, building the capacity of partner organizations and community groups, and improving access to coastal resources and opportunities.
Core Value: Transparency
At the heart of our organization is our commitment to openness, honesty, and accountability. By advocating for greater access to information and open dialogues between government agencies, advocacy networks, community partners, and residents, we strive to catalyze deeper civic discourse and coordination. This culture of transparency invites new voices to the table, promotes power-sharing, and facilitates authentic engagement, unifying our collective impact.
Core Value: Engagement
We foster powerful connections between people and Georgia’s Coast by centering our love of this place and prioritizing relationship building that strengthens the capacity for collective action and collaboration. We expand opportunities for everyone to learn more about Georgia’s coast and engage directly with its wonders, promoting access to safe spaces where wildlife and people can thrive. This work encourages individual leadership and fosters project ownership within communities.
“It all starts with love. Love for this place. Love for our people, wildlife, and historic culture. Love for our quality of life—the traditions we cherish now, and the ones we want to leave for our children and grandchildren.”
Please contact Megan to learn more about One Hundred Miles and our mission to protect Georgia’s coast.