Georgia’s Coast is unparalleled—wild flows from here.
Meet Mark Dodd, Sea Turtle Program Coordinator with GA DNR.
Meet Dr. Dionne Hoskins-Brown, NOAA Research Fishery Biologist + Savannah State University Associate Professor.
Meet Dr. Abby Sterling, Director of Manomet’s Georgia Bight Shorebird Conservation Initiative.
Welcome to the Georgia Coast—extraordinary flows from here.
Meet Maurice Bailey, founder of Save Our Legacy Ourself.
Meet Stacia Hendricks, naturalist manager for Little St. Simons Island.
Meet CheFarmer Matthew Raiford, Owner of Gilliard Farms and Strong Roots 9.
Meet Capt. Charlie Phillips, owner of Phillips Seafood & Sapelo Sea Farms.
Meet Scott Coleman, Ecological Manager on Little St. Simons Island.
Just as our powerful tides have crafted our coastline over millennia, so generations of people here have crafted an equally unique culture, history, and existence. This is a place that drives the state’s economy while its people cultivate the land, appreciate the natural resources, and, like the tide, often push and pull one another as they make home on the Georgia coast.
Our Georgia Coast is a campaign made to expand awareness, deepen education, and promote ways to get involved in its preservation. The stories featured here are a diverse collection of insight into the coast’s ecological, historical, cultural, economic, and personal significance—designed to draw you into the wonder of this place and inspire you to take action on its behalf.
Explore Georgia’s coast through the eyes of our partners by clicking the images and buttons above. Then, take action by supporting their work, following their efforts, and sharing this campaign with others. Check back regularly (or sign up for our emails) to engage with new stories as well.