Sapelo Island
Sapelo Island is Georgia’s fourth largest barrier island. It is home to Hog(g) Hummock Community, the last island-based Gullah Geechee community in Georgia, as well as wildlife conservation areas managed by the State of Georgia and University of Georgia research facilities.
Lecture: A Closer Look at Sapelo
February 13 @ 7 pm
OHM Office (1702 Bull St., Savannah)
Join OHM Justice Strategist Sapelo descendant Jazz Watts and Education Coordinator Stephanie Chewning for “A Closer Look at Sapelo.” In this Naturalist 101 lecture, we will dive into Sapelo Island’s ecological and cultural history—and what is happening now.
Join us at our NEW Savannah One Hundred Miles Office (1702 Bull Street, Savannah) on Thursday, February 13.
Field Trip: A Day on Sapelo Island
Tues., March 4 @ 8 am — 3 pm
Meet at Sapelo Island Ferry Dock (Meridian, GA)
Sapelo’s extraordinary ecological and cultural history—past, present, and future. Join OHM’s Justice Strategist and Sapleo descendant, Jazz Watts, and Coastal Education Coordinator Stephanie Chewning for “A Day on Sapelo Island” on Tuesday, March 4.
Sapelo is ferry-access only, and limited spots are available—pre-registration is required. Participants will meet at the Sapelo Island Visitor’s Center at 8 am. Lunch will be provided by Lula’s Restaurant. We will break in the middle of the day to eat together by the beach before returning to the mainland around 3 pm.
This trip is sold out. To be added to the waitlist, please email Stephanie.
Cumberland Island
Lecture: A Naturalist’s History of Cumberland Island
Thursday, March 13 @ 7 pm
OHM Office (1702 Bull St., Savannah)
With over 9,000 acres of protected wilderness, Cumberland Island is Georgia’s largest barrier island—and one of its most mysterious. Its vast maritime forests, dirt roads, and sandy shores have hosted many peoples throughout history, including Native Americans, enslaved Africans, wealthy white Americans, and today, members of the public and the National Park Service.
Join our naturalist and Coastal Education Coordinator, Stephanie Chewning, for our Naturalist 101 lecture, “A Naturalist’s History of Cumberland Island.” Together, we’ll dive deeper into Cumberland’s fascinating past and present. Whether you’ve visited the island before or have yet to check it off your bucket list, you’re sure to walk away with a deeper understanding and appreciation for its treasures.
Field Trip: Exploring Cumberland Island
Saturday, March 15 @ 8:30 am — 3:30 pm
Wildlife and wild places abound on Cumberland Island National Seashore! Come experience our coast’s largest island as never before with OHM naturalist and Coastal Education Coordinator Stephanie Chewning. We’ll take the ferry over together before exploring the Dungeness ruins—home to the famed Carnegie family—as well as the island’s maritime forest and the longest stretch of undeveloped beach in Georgia. You’ll walk away with a new understanding and appreciation of this crown jewel of our coast.
While this field trip is open to all ages, please know we will walk over five miles from one ferry stop to another, some of it on loose sand and throughout wilderness conditions. The trip will be held rain or shine.
Tickets: $90 (Member) / $115 (Non-member)
A Study of Gray’s Reef
with Sarah Porter
Lecture: A Study of Gray’s Reef with Sarah Porter
Thursday, April 17 @ 7 PM
OHM Office (1702 Bull St., Savannah) & Online
Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary is Georgia’s underwater wonderland. This natural live-bottom reef is teeming with marine life and is part of the endangered North Atlantic right whale’s calving ground. Loggerhead turtles rest at the reef, and scientists have identified more than 200 fish species! But because of its location 19 miles off the Georgia coast, few people even know about this amazing resource, let alone get to see it up close. Here’s your chance to change that! Sarah Porter, the Chapter Director of Gray’s Reef, will bring the reef to you as she shares the secrets of this astonishing place and gives us a peek into the ongoing research taking place in the Sanctuary.
Join us at OHM’s new Savannah office (1702 Bull Street, Savannah) on Thursday, April 17. Doors open at 6:30 PM; the lecture will begin at 7. If you can’t come in person, join us online!
Birding the Altamaha River
with Coastal Georgia Audubon
Field Trip: Birding the Altamaha River with Coastal Georgia Audubon (Members Only)
Wednesday, May 14 @ 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Shorebirds are making their way through Georgia’s coast, and we’re heading out onto the Altamaha River to get a good view!
One Hundred Miles and Coastal Georgia Audubon (CGA) invite you to join us for a three-hour excursion with Captain Brooks along the scenic Altamaha. Master Birders Bob Sattlemeyer (CGA) and OHM’s Stephanie Chewning will help you scope out the waters and marshes for red knots, sandpipers, whimbrels, ruddy turnstones, and more. It promises to be an exciting venture for birding enthusiasts and novices alike!
You must be a member of One Hundred Miles or Coastal Georgia Audubon to participate. Don’t want to miss it? Become a member of OHM today.
An evening with Jim Barger
author of Jimmy Carter: Rivers & Dreams
Lecture: An evening with Jim Barger, author of Jimmy Carter: Rivers & Dreams
Thursday, May 15 @ 6:30 PM
Save the date for this special lecture with Jim Barger, author of Jimmy Carter: Rivers & Dreams. Read this article from WABE about the book, which “explores a lesser-known personal passion of both Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter: fly fishing, an activity that cemented decades of friendships for the Carters and inspired many meaningful adventures.” Registration details for this event coming soon!
Paddle Cathead Creek
with Southeast Adventures
Field Trip: Paddle Cathead Creek with SouthEast Adventure
Friday, May 16 @ 11:30 am – 3 pm
Join us alongside SouthEast Adventure for a unique glimpse into the upper part of Cathead Creek near Darien, as we paddle in tandem kayaks through this tributary of the mighty Altamaha River. This stretch of waterway will give a sense of the majesty of the Altamaha’s floodplain as we traverse narrow rice canals and cypress swamps. Keep your eyes peeled for birds, dolphins, turtles, and wildlife galore! This paddle will be guided by trained naturalists and open to all skill levels—join us to learn more about the river’s ecology and wildlife or just to enjoy a beautiful day out on the water.
Tickets: $100 (Member) / $125 (Non-member)
Recent Naturalist 101 lectures
“Participating in our monthly Naturalist 101 programs is a great way to build your encyclopedia of knowledge about Georgia’s coast.”
Please contact Stephanie for more information about any of our upcoming Naturalist 101 programs.