It all starts with love.
Love for this place. Love for our people, wildlife, and historic culture. Love for our quality of life—the traditions we cherish now, and the ones we want to leave for our children and grandchildren.
From the beginning, our mission has been rooted in this simple understanding: that our 100 miles are a wonder of the world, worthy of our pride and deserving of our protection. All of us at One Hundred Miles are here because we love Georgia’s coast more than any other in the world.
Our Guiding Principles
Our Commitment to Justice
At OHM, our board and staff is committed to intentionally recognizing environmental racism and other injustices and the people who have been historically disenfranchised.
Our justice program is guided by two overarching principles: First, that pollution and other environmental problems disproportionately and discriminately impact people of color and people living in poverty. And second, that the condition of generational poverty results in environmental degradation.
With leadership from OHM’s Justice Strategist and in partnership with the communities we serve, we are working to: